Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weed, Feed and Mulch Day

I'm officially a killer. I found that my Champion Purple Top Swedes were being attacked by slugs, which were hiding in the alfalfa cover crop underneath. I pulled out all of the alfalfa and put it in the compost - couldn't dig it in as I've had to plant other things in it since I planted it.

Pulled out the bags of leaf mould I have made from the autumn leaves I collected and spread that around as a mulch. Some of the leaves were still crunchy but however, they will rot down in time! Everything is looking tidier.

Can't wait for my seedlings to be ready to put in!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Seeds Sown Indoors Today

Hollyhock Summer Carnival Mix
Aster Cut Flower Assortment
Poppy Iceland
Livingstone Daisy Sparkles Mix
Poppy Peony Formula Mix
Morning Glory

Anise Hyssop
Chamomile German
Yarrow Common White
Self Heal
St Johns Wort

Shoo Fly Plant

Friday, August 28, 2009

I need a windbreak!

After my obelisk disaster yesterday (it ended up falling over and snapping my peas off at the base) I decided to not only hurry up and plant the hedge on our side of the fence but also to plant some natives on the council verge on the other side of it. They can't complain about that surely...

I took the dogs down to The People's Park at Te Atatu Peninsula - for those unfamiliar this is a wetland area with views across the water to the city and the harbour bridge. As we trotted along I collected some seeds from Manuka Red Tea Tree shrubs. I want all the bees I can get and I don't need to worry too much about height (although I will keep it in check) because that's where the very last of the day's sun comes from and nearly all of the wind!

Now where is that seed raising mix?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Red Onions

About a month ago I planted two red onions which had sprouted in my pantry. These turned into "sets" which look like several spring onions growing out of the onion. The biggest one grew six and the smaller one grew four. Today I decided to dig them up, divide them and replant them.

I had just found out that peas don't like to be near onions too and they were next to my obelisk with the peas - they are now in areas where my brassicas were being attacked by white fly.

After enjoying a few cold and therefore pest-free months, the local pests have cottoned onto the fact that I'm the only one with a plentiful garden around here at the moment. I made a spray by putting minced garlic and chillis in water and leaving it to steep, then straining it to make a pungeant spicy liquid to spray on my veges to dissuade them. I also sprinkle curry powder on after watering some days just to mix it up.

It's horrendously windy today with my obelisk leaning over like the leaning tower of Pisa.

The above photo is what my garden looks like today - the yellow flowers in the foreground are purple pak choi available from - the bees love it.