Saturday, October 31, 2009

Beautiful Flowers

My wee girl brought me these beautiful flowers and I was so dazzled by their beauty that I asked her to show me where she found them. She took me to a patch of chickweed in between the garden shed and the kids fort. I never knew that chickweed had such a beautiful flower - like a little miniature hibiscus in many ways. Perhaps I won't get around to weeding that patch...

Meanwhile the rest of the garden continues to flourish, although new seedlings disappear with frightening rapidity. I need to sow more lettuces but the prospect is filling me with dread. I'm going to try sprinkling coffee grounds around them, apparently that deters snails and slugs and since our budget doesn't stretch to beer drinking at the moment my husband would be horrified to see saucers of it put out for them.

I took my elderly neighbour's advice last weekend that the ground had no heat in it yet and didn't put out my tomatoes, basil, cucumbers and watermelons. They are still basking on the windowsills. I may be brave and put them out this evening, but I will then have to vigilantly go around with the torch every night again, just when I was feeling I could leave it for a night or two because the critters appear to be leaving my brassicas and the like alone for now.

I picked a tremendously windy afternoon to water my garden with my homemade sheep pellet liquid and found to my horror that I had left the back door open and the stench had permeated throughout the house. I also managed to leave the scoop (with which I was filling the watering can) outside. Apparently the dogs found it and regarded it with all the excitement of a child with an icecream: they came inside panting happily and letting us know that our nostrils would know no relief in the near future.

Aside from that I have accosted a poppy thief and demanded my plant back - a beautiful red flanders poppy plant stolen from out the front - and taken on a patch of my elderly neighbour's garden, which was overgrown with weeds and getting too much for her since she fell in her rosebushes and ended up in hospital. I've still got heaps of lawn to dig up, although the wheat and the alfalfa are doing well, the fennel has sprouted and I'm going to plant the corn today in the bit I dug up last weekend.

I'm going to be very busy indeed!

Seeds sown outside today: Coriander, Corn, Atlantic Giant Pumpkin

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gaillardia Lorenziana Sown Indoors Today

I have just agreed to take over a patch of my elderly neighbour's garden which is currently overgrown with weeds - she is elderly and has just got out of hospital and the bit of garden I will be responsible for is the bit people see first, down the side of the driveway by the letterbox.

I didn't really want to spend money on someone else's garden when I've been forcing myself to be frugal with my own so whipping down to the nursery didn't feel like an option. I decided to have a look at what I had in the way of seeds. She wasn't keen on Lavender (I have seeds for the dwarf munstead variety) because it attracts bees and the last thing she wants is to get stung when she goes to get her mail. The trouble is I deliberately selected loads of seeds to attract bees, like Bergamot bee balm etc.

I decided on Gaillardia Lorenziana Mix which should look good enmasse and hopefully a good range of colours germinate. I've sown a whole tray so fingers crossed.

Pity they're not perennial, will have to think what to put there next...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A beautiful day at last!

I've been very busy in the garden since my last blog. The wheat is growing well, the alfalfa path has germinated, I've dug another patch of lawn up and I'm waiting to see if the fennel seed I threw in will germinate.

I've also dug up all the lawn in the retaining wall at the front. Previously I had planted a feijoa, a mandarin and an orange up there, and the rest was grass. No grass now, I've emptied most of my seedlings into the new bed I've created up there - although both cats have had a wee in my cornflowers, so not holding out much hope for those. The dirt that Scott barrowed round to the back and put under the fig tree and the fort is forming a small hillock - it's quite the eyesore I must admit. He has an aura of "I told you so" about him. At least the front will look nice!

Today I planted out my lettuce, rhubarb, and spinach strawberry seedlings into the vege garden and planted surplus seedlings of annise hyssop and yarrow in the dirt mound off to one side - nowhere else to put them and didn't have the heart to let them die. Potted up everything else from the seed trays into pots to go on windowsills - the large seed trays on the kitchen table had got the better of Scott's tolerance.

I'm knackered. I was hoping to do a bit of whittling but can't be bothered now. When I said to Scott that I really need a garden seat to sit in and whittle, he suggested I might need a harmonica and some chewing tobaccy...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Zucchini Black Beauty Sown Indoors Today

This morning I've managed to dig the path from the patio to the corner of the house and I've planted alfalfa there (I hope you can walk on it, soon find out) in keeping with my plan to redo the back lawn.

I also realized that the garden bed I dug last weekend (between the house and the new path) was really a bit of a dud in terms of the soil quality and the new seedlings weren't thriving. It's mainly clay and I decided that it would only get worse as the weather warms up and eventually bakes it hard.

I scraped together as much finished compost from the heap as I could, pulled out the seedlings and replanted them in it. Fingers crossed!